
Important Dates

Spring Sports Parent Night
March 10, 2025
NPAC 6:30
Individual team meetings to follow


First Day of Practice/tryouts March 3, 2025




"Hope this message finds everyone well.   

Time has flown by and tryouts are right around the corner.   Coaches & staff are excited and eager to welcome athletes back for tryouts for the 2024 season.  As a team we must build upon the foundation of success the team has achieved over the last few years. To achieve our goal, it's imperative all of us are ready to do our part to the best of our ability from the first day of tryouts to the final whistle of our last game.   

Let's all be ready to go on the first day of tryouts.   Make sure to complete your registration in Final Forms as soon as possible so we can get a sense of the numbers trying out this year.  All players must be cleared in final forms (e.g. current physical on file, player form, parent form, etc.) in order to take the field on day one. 

We will be holding an informational meeting about the season on Thursday Feb 8th, 3:30 in the BHS Library.  Players and parents are encouraged to attend and ask any questions they may have about the upcoming season.  The first day of tryouts will be Monday Feb 26th, 6-8pm at Pop Keeney with check in at 5:30.

Tryouts will move fast this year.  It will be essential that players trying out show up with a high degree of fitness.  Be ready to enter the pitch ready to play (e.g. good strength, endurance, flexibility, shoes broken in etc.).  We do not want to develop injuries during tryouts.


Go Cougs!

The Coaching Staff"