Swim & Dive-Girls


Practice Schedule

  • Monday through Friday 5:15 am - 6:15 am at Golds Gym in Woodinville

  • No Practice on meet days

  • Dive practice at Juanita - start time  3:30 pm - 5:15 pm


What you will need to participate: 
Swimming is a non-cut sport and one of the best ways to exercise. However, there are a limited number of spots for diving and we may need to make cuts to keep us at that number. As a team, we have a wide array of abilities and work together to develop our skills and strengths. We are so excited to have new members and look forward to including everyone in our fun and exciting team. Swimmers wear their own suits, caps and goggles for practice, and a team suit is available for purchase at the beginning of the season.

***Before our first practice, you need to have completed on line Final Forms registration.  

***Diving could potentially be a cut sport this season.



 Team Expectations

·      Swimmers are expected to be ready (suit, cap and goggles on) to start practice at 5:15am.
·      Swimmers are expected to treat themselves, teammates, coaches, parents, fans, officials, volunteers and lifeguards with respect.
·      Swimmers are expected to notify the head coach the day before they will miss practice. Either talk to the head coach at a prior practice, email or text through the Remind.
   Swimmers will get 3 excused absences (illness, family emergencies, religious holidays, family vacation).  Fourth excused absences will result in the swimmer sitting out for one meet. Fifth excused absence-swimmer will be dismissed from the team.
  Swimmers with get 2 unexcused absences (failure to notify coach about missing practice, over sleeping and family vacations not approved by head coach). The 3rd unexcused absence- swimmer will be dismissed from the team. 
·      Swimmers are expected to notify the coach TWO days prior to meet day if unable to attend swim meet.
·      All swimmers are expected to train hard every day.
·      Swimmers will respect people’s personal belongings on the pool deck and in the locker room. Absolutely no stealing.
·      Swimmers cannot miss or leave practice/meets early for a non-school athletic activities. (WIAA Rule 18.23.1: Schools may not give students special treatment or privileges on a regular basis to enable them to participate in non-school athletic activities, such as reduced practice times, special workouts, late arrivals, or early dismissals. Regular is defined as being more than once.)
·      Must be cleared by the Athletic Director to participate in practice.

Swim Meets
·      In order to be eligible for the first swim meet, each athlete must attend a minimum of 10 practices, not missing more than 4 days consecutive within the required 10.
·      Swimmers are required to attend practice the day before the meet and not have any excused or unexcused absences the day of the meet.
·      Team members (participating or not) are expected to attend all swim meets unless otherwise approved by the coach.
·      Swimmers are expected to arrive to swim meets in time for warmups.
·      Show good sportsmanship to everyone and have a positive attitude. There will be times you will swim events you don’t want to. A good athlete will go into these “off” events with an open mind and positive attitude.
·      Any student absent from school for half a day (3 hours of class) is not eligible to participate in an athletic activity, practices or meets.
·      Divers who want to swim individual events must attend two morning practices a week.
 Post season Meets-There are 3 post season meets. Swimmers that qualify for post season meets are expected to participate in all post season meets. (WIAA Rule 22.2.5- by entering participants in postseason competition, each member school certifies that, barring injury, illness or unforeseen events, the team individuals representing the school will participate in every level of competition through the completion of the state championship event. 

Divers- there will be a minimum of 2 district qualifying meets during the season.

·      KingCo League Championships-Swimmers qualify by achieving a time standard. This is a two day event for swimmers (Friday and Saturday) and a 1 day qualifier for divers. Anyone is welcome to watch and support.
·      SeaKing District 2 Meet- This is a 2 day swim and dive event and must have a district qualifying time to attend this meet or be an alternate.
·      WIAA State Meet- 2 day swim and dive event, you must have a State qualifying time to compete in this event or be an alternate.

*I understand situations come up out of your control. If you are ever concerned about anything please come talk to me. All decisions will be left for the coaches discretion.

·      As a team, we will treat other teams, people and personal belongings with respect. We will show a positive attitude at all meets and practices. Any signs of anger and frustrations such as throwing, hitting, punching, swearing and yelling will result in immediate suspension of a minimum of one day.
·      Further consequences will be decided by the head coach and athletic director.
·      Absolutely no alcohol or use of drugs. Any athlete caught with alcohol or drugs will be immediately suspended. Head coach and athletic director will decide further consequences.

Practice Schedule
·      Monday through Friday 5:15-6:15am at Juanita Pool.
·      No practice on meet days.
·      Parents can watch in the spectator area in the bleachers.

·      You are a student first and then an athlete.
·      Athletes are required to maintain a passing grade in 6 out of 7 classes.
·      Student-athletes who maintain a 3.0 or higher GPA meet the KingCo scholarship standards. Student-athletes with a 3.5 or higher GPA will be recognized as scholarly athletes at post-season KingCo events.
·      If you are on academic probation you will be expected to do homework/study at the pool during practice time. You can participate in practice once you are released from probation.

·      There is a zero tolerance policy regarding any form of negative communication, including electronics. The coaches and athletic director will decide consequences and discipline. Depending on severity discipline might not be progressive and could result in removal of the team.
·      If you need to get a hold of me, email me -- don’t hesitate to contact me.

·      You are responsible for finding a ride to and from practice.
·      The school will provide transportation to all meets except Juanita Pool (our home pool).
·      Each team member is expected to ride the bus to and from the meet unless discussed with head coach.
·      Students with special circumstances can only be released to their parent and must talk to and sign out with the coach before leaving.

 Team Banquet
We will have a team banquet to conclude our season to celebrate the accomplishments of our athletes! All swimmers and divers are expected to attend. Family members are all welcome.

 Parent involvement
Parents help make the world go round! With that said, we do need parent volunteers throughout the season to help during swim meets. We will be in need of a Meet Starter/Referee, Timers, Scorekeepers, Snacks, and Fundraiser Organizer. Everyone who volunteers need to register a a volunteer (district website for online application).  Any parent who is willing to carpool with swimmers back to BHS after a meet must complete an Authorization form for a Private Automobile.

Plans for inclimate weather
BHS swim and dive team will follow what the district has directed.
·      If school is canceled, practice is canceled.
·      If there is a late start, practice is canceled.
·      If evening activities the previous day are canceled, morning practice is canceled.
·      Lake Washington School District influences our practice. If LWSD is closed or has a late start, practice will be canceled.
·      Please note that if conditions are questionable I will text through Remind to inform both parents and students the morning of.
If it is icy, parents should keep their swimmers home rather than risk driving. If you are not going to make practice, please send me a text through Remind or email so I know not to expect you at workout.
If I need to cancel practice at the last minute, I will send out a text through Remind and an email to all swimmers and parents to inform them of the change.

Varsity Letter
The minimum requirements to be eligible to a Varsity Letter are:
1.     Attend 90% of BHS practices
2.     Attend all dual meets in which you are entered during the season. Exceptions include personal health/safety, family, and school/teacher requirement.
3.     Participation at the KingCo Championship.
4.     Achieve a minimum time standard in one of the following events :

200 Free- 2:29.70

100 Free- 1:08.00

200 IM- 2:48.50

500 Free- 6:35.70

50 Free- 30.10

100 Back- 1:19.00

100 Fly- 1:20.70

100 Breast- 1:26.25




Kathryn Crowe - SWIM
Deb Shelton - DIVE


