Unified Soccer

Important Dates


Season Starts Tuesday April 16th 2024

Practice days/times:
Tuesday/Thursday 3:25pm-4:10pm BHS turf
Games at Pop Keeney
Saturday May 4th, May 11th, and May 18th

Athletes and partners: need to have completed their respective Unified forms and registered in Final Forms.  If they have been part of these teams in the past they do NOT have to repeat these forms!   Athletes need to have current physicals.  Verify physical information with J. Leland.

Registration for both partners (students without intellectual disabilities) and athletes (students with intellectual disabilities) needs to be completed via Final Forms.  Valid physicals are required for all participants. 

Athletes and Partners need to complete Special Olympics forms in addition to registering via Final Forms.

If you are registering as an "athlete" you need to read and complete the forms at this link.  Link to forms

If you are registering as a "partner", please complete the Unified Partner Release Form.

There are NO fees or grade requirements to participate.