Bothell High School Credit Options

Bothell High School is committed to supporting all students on their path to graduation and a high school diploma.  It is important to know that 24 credits are required to graduate, but BHS students have the opportunity to earn 28. This creates a 4 credit "buffer".Occasionally a student will struggle in a class.  Below are options for students to make up a missing credit. 

Summer School:  

Classes usually occur late June through early August. This program offers both credit retrieval and first time credit, depending upon the courses offered. Course offerings include credit retrieval for math, science, social studies, and English, as well as numerous accelerated classes for students to earn credit outside of the school year.  There is a fee associated with these classes, although there is no cost for students who qualify for free/reduced meals. Summer School information and registration is usually available in April and can be found on the NSD Summer School page. 

Bothell High School - Credit Retrieval program:  

This is a free online program allowing the student to earn credit for a course they have failed in the past. Classes are one semester in length, occur during the school day, and take up one class period of the seven period day. Credit retrieval courses offered include: Social Studies, Science, English, Health, and Math. Students enrolled in the Credit Retrieval Program work at their own pace and can retrieve more than one course in a semester if they are working hard. Students may take up to two semesters maximum of Credit Retrieval in one school year. See your BHS counselor for registration information.

State Testing Credit Retrieval: 

If the student has passed the required state testing (currently the Smarter Balanced Assessment), they may retrieve .5 credit for a failed corresponding subject area.   Passing the SBAC English Language Assessment: it is possible to retrieve .5 credit in English 9-11. Passing the SBAC Math Assessment: it is possible to retrieve .5 credit in Algebra, Geometry, or Algebra 2. Please notify your counselor if you think you may qualify for this credit.  The counselor will evaluate whether you do qualify as restrictions apply.  

WANIC Summer Skills Academy:  

These half-credit experiential learning classes are housed on multiple high school campuses on the Eastside. Tuition is free. (Program offerings subject to change or cancellation.)  Information about this summer program is typically announced via student email in the Spring.  Students are directed to the WANIC website to register.  Information about the program is also posted at in March. Students primarily earn Career and Technical Education credit, but some courses do offer other types of credit, such as health, math, lab science, and the arts

World Language Competency Test:  

NSD students can earn up to four high school flexible (elective) credits in a World Language by successfully passing a World Language Competency Test and demonstrating proficiency in reading, writing, speaking and listening. Information is available on the website.

Running Start:  

Students enroll in and attend classes at a local community or technical college. Students must be able to manage a fast-paced college environment and pass a placement test to qualify. While this is not a “credit recovery program”, students can earn credits at an accelerated rate (9 credits per year for full time enrollment).  Tuition is paid for by NSD; books and associated class fees are the responsibility of the family.  Credits can be earned in:  English, Social Studies, Health and Fitness, The Arts, Math, Science, and Career & Technical Education. Visit the Running Start section of the BHS Counseling website for information.

Work Study:  Students in 10th, 11th, and 12th may earn .5 flexible credit per semester in the work study program (maximum 1 credit per school year) by completing 180 hours of work in legal employment. Students must be taking a minimum of 5 other classes per semester to be eligible for this program. The work study experience will generally be done outside of school hours, but the student may be given an early dismissal.   An employer's evaluation report of the student's work record, indicating satisfactory progress on the job, shall be filed with the school at the end of the semester. A work study application is required and is available from Mr. Dawson in the Counseling Center. Work study may also be completed over the summer and requires an application be completed and returned to Mr. Dawson prior to summer break.  

Outside Credits:   

To preserve the integrity of the Northshore comprehensive high school diploma Northshore School District accepts up to 3.5 credits from some accredited outside educational programs. Approved outside providers can be viewed at OSPI's Approved Online Course Providers website. Counselors can also provide guidance to help find appropriate outside providers.

BHS Counseling Staff:

Lisa Carson A – Cha  425.408.7021
Mandi Woolsey Che - Fl 425.408.7167
Lindsay Eckle Fo - Kh 425.408.7022
James Sanders Ki - M  425.408.7013
Rob Felton N - Sc  425.408.7020
Danielle Yamada Se – Z   425.408.7023
BJ Dawson

Career Counselor 
