Transcript Requests
Former BHS Students
Send your completed Transcript Request Form to Please allow 2-3 days for processing.
Official and unofficial transcripts may be sent by US mail or email to the location of your choosing when complete information is provided. Official transcripts will be sent directly to the school/institution requesting the information.
Current BHS Students
- Unofficial Transcript
- Official Transcript for Colleges
- Sending Transcripts to NCAA
- Sending ACT & SAT Scores
- Sending Transcripts to Scholarship Organizations
- Sending College Transcripts for Credit Earned in High School (CHS/PNW College Credit)
Unofficial Transcript
11th & 12th Grade Students - If you need an unofficial transcript, which is a record of all high school classes you’ve taken, they are uploaded for you to StudentVUE. Transcripts are helpful to access when completing college applications. Look for the documents tab in StudentVUE - it’s there!
9th & 10th Grade Students - Please request your unofficial transcript by emailing Nicole Brenengen at
Official Transcript for Colleges
There are basically two main pathways to request/submit your official transcripts when they are required at the time of application:
1) The Common Application platform
2) Your Naviance account
COMMON APPLICATION: If you are applying to schools using the Common Application platform, you will invite your counselor to be a recommender by listing their name and email address in the "Recommenders and FERPA" section of the application. They will then complete a "School Report" (and "Counselor Report" when required) and upload your transcript for all the schools on your dashboard to view. Keep in mind that ALL public and private colleges and universities in Washington State now use the Common Application platform.
Here is a link to the full list of Common Application schools: and the link to the BHS counselors and their alphabet breakdown:
Naviance transcript requests are only needed when you are applying to a school that does not use the Common Application platform but does require a transcript.
1) From your Clever Account, click on the Naviance icon to log into your Naviance Account
2) How to Request Transcripts:
- Once you are logged in to your Naviance landing/home page, click on Colleges ‘I’m applying to’ under ‘My Favorites’
- Click on red ‘+’sign found on the upper right of the screen
- Search for college you are applying to that requires a transcript
- Under “Application type,” select one of the following that fits your type:
- Regular Decision
- Early Decision
- Early Action, etc.
- Under “I’ll submit my application,”:
- PLEASE SELECT “Direct to the institution” or we will not be notified of your request! Do not choose “via Common Application.”
- Click on ‘Add and Request Transcript’
- Click on type of transcript you are requesting and select ‘Initial’.
- No additional materials can be requested–test scores must come from testing agency.
- Click ‘Request and Finish’.
- Repeat process for additional schools.
Sending Transcripts to NCAA
Sending ACT & SAT Scores
Assessments/Tests, such as ACT and/or SAT, must be requested from and/or
Sending Transcripts to Scholarship Organizations
Sending College Transcripts for Credit Earned in High School (CHS/PNW College Credit)
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CLOSED in July
OPEN August 5, 2024
7:15am - 3:45pm
Monday - Friday