School News

BHS Music B logo

The Bothell Music Department has been working hard getting wonderful work together to celebrate our winter holidays. You're invited to attend any or all of our concerts on December 10th (orchestra), 11th (choir), and 12th (band).

All are in the NPAC at 7p. Admission is free. 

First page of the PDF file: bothell_B_color

The goal of this communication is to share that Bothell High School has reevaluated our cell phone policy. Nationally, education trends are moving toward making more room for learning by decreasing the amount of time students have for their cell phones. Read more HERE.

The discipline escalation policy is described HERE.

The holidays are coming and it can be an especially difficult time for our Bothell families who need support with groceries. It's one of the times of year we most need donations to help our BHS community. 

Get more information and a list of needed supplies HERE.

We invite any Bothell family to utilize supplies as needed - no questions asked!